Terms of service
Hamilton Catering also known as ‘we the caterer/the caterer/the vendor’
You also known as ‘The customer, client or guest’
Third Party is known as any person, persons or company delivering services or goods on behalf of we the caterer, acting on behalf of our customer or guest or acting as a platform for the advertisement and booking of the caterers services.
General Terms
Bookings & Cancellations
Customer shall pay a 50% deposit for their event at time of booking. Without receiving this payment your event date is not secured. Where a different deposit amount is agreed these terms still apply.
Final balance is due no later than one month prior to your event. For events booked with less than one months notice then full balance is due at time of booking. Events occurring within 30 days where final balance has not been paid are at risk of cancellation with no refund given.
Deposits are none refundable. In the event of event cancellation by the customer the event can be moved to another date provided we the caterer have availability. If we the caterer are unavailable the deposit and any balance paid will be none refundable however we will assist in providing you the customer with names of alternative reputable caterers but hold no guarantee of finding a replacement. Should you wish to choose another catering operator we hold no responsibility once the event has passed into their hands.
Events cancelled with less than one months notice but more than two weeks are entitled to a 25% refund of their total balance. Events cancelled with less than two weeks notice are not entitled to any refund and total balance is still due.
Exceptions to this rule apply where any agreed equipment and/or furniture has been hired in by a third party in which case no refund will be given. This is due to we the caterer having to pay in full and upfront to these third parties in advance.
Where an event has been booked via a third party platform then payment and cancellations terms set by the third party platform apply. In the unlikely event of a customer complaint then all three parties shall work together to form an agreed solution.
Where a tasting has been agreed to take place these will only occur either once a deposit has been made or with a £50pp charge to be taken off the cost of the final balance in instances where tasting is required to take place before deposit has been paid.
Operational Terms
The customer shall provide safe and secure parking for we the caterer and allow us access to our vehicle(s) at all times throughout the event if the venue has a parking provision.
If for any reason we are forced to park illegally in order to fulfil our obligations to the client, the client will be responsible for payment of any non endorsable fines. Under no circumstances will we park or unload in any area where our vehicles may be towed away or clamped, locked in or where we may be liable for an endorsable penalty/commit an endorsable offence.
Customer shall agree to allow we the caterer access to the venue a standard 2 hours prior to the event and 1 hour post event. In other circumstances a longer build up and break down period may need to be agreed.
Customer shall provide access to running water and electricity for the duration of the event and during build up and break down times. Utilities must be active and available prior to our arrival. For events where utilities are not provided this must be stipulated at time of booking. Any cost for generator hire will be added to the cost of the booking.
Customer shall provide a clean and clear workspace for we the caterer to set up our workstation in. Should we be required to remove furniture or other large items from the venue then additional labour will be charged accordingly. We the caterer will leave the space in the condition it was delivered to us in. If no space is provided for such events such as outdoor weddings or garden parties then we are able to provide gazebos in which to work in at an additional cost.
Menu will be agreed in advance with the customer. We the caterer reserve the right to change the menu at any time and will communicate this change to the customer unless in exceptional circumstances.
Customer agrees to share details of guests with declared allergens with no less than 14 days warning prior to the event. Where allergens are declared with less than 14 days warning we the caterer reserve the right to alter the menu so as to mitigate risk of reaction without warning. We the caterer will always endeavour to substitute an item on the menu but there may be occasions where eliminating items from the menu entirely is necessary to protect customer safety.
We the caterer will provide for customer and guest confidence an allergen matrix detailing any declared allergens of any dish. We the caterer will also provide detail surrounding trace allergen guidelines of any ingredient we source.
An agreed upon number of portions of food and drink or number of items per head for buffet/canapé events will be held to. Should we the caterer find that all food has been consumed before the event has ended then no addition food, drink or compensation shall be provided.
Any leftover food will either be offered to the client provided it is safe to do so or we the caterer shall donate to one of our local supported charities with the customers consent. Only food which is safe to consume shall be left for the client or donated. Once handed over it is the responsibility of the client to store and handle in a safe manner and we the caterer no longer hold any responsibility. All stock of bar items will be returned to Hamilton Catering as bar services are quoted and paid for on a per head basis, not per bottle, and a contingency amount is always brought to site to satisfy unknown popularities of each item.
We the caterer reserve the right to alter the number of staff provided to run any event provided that the event itself is still able to operate with a reduced headcount due to sickness or injury, transportation issues, strike action or bereavement. In any instance we the caterer will always exhaust all avenues to ensure a full roster of agreed staff is provided before enacting this.
We the caterer hold responsibility for the delivery of exceptional food and drink. Should any customer feel that our food is not aesthetically pleasing but otherwise subjectively delicious then no refund will be given. We the caterer will provide any prior agreed upon crockery from our own assets or from our tableware hire partners. Should the customer feel this does not fit the theme or aesthetic of their event then it is the customers responsibility to source items more suited to their tastes.
Bar Specific Terms
We the caterer adopt a challenge 25 policy and reserve the right to check for photographic age identification of any guest who appears to look under the age of 25.
We the caterer reserve the right to refuse service to any guest who fulfils any of the following criteria:
does not look over the age of 25 and is not able to provide any legitimate photographic identification
is pregnant or breastfeeding
appears in the judgement of our staff members to have had a sufficient amount of alcohol and to continue serving would be in breach of licensing objectives
is under suspicion by our staff members of obtaining alcohol with the intent of providing this to persons under the visible age of 25
There is a risk that we the caterer are at risk of a licensing breach and the potential to lose our licenses
Uses threatening or abusive language or physical abuse to any of our staff or other customers
We the caterer reserve the right during open bar bookings to serve a reasonable amount of beverages. E.g a guest knowing there is a free bar may ask for 10 drinks at once for themselves would be a situation whereby we the caterer will refuse this request and offer a sensible solution.
We the caterer reserve the right during timed open bar bookings to start charging for beverages after a mutually agreed upon certain point even in situations where there is an existing queue of guests.
We the caterer reserve the right during open bar bookings to charge a per head rate or operate a cash bar for any guests attending the event over the agreed upon limit at time of booking.
We the caterer shall be the only provider of beverages unless prior agreement has been made. No guest or customer shall be permitted to bring their own alcohol or other beverages into any event.
We the caterer will always have on hand one personal license holder at any given event who has overall responsibility for the sale of alcohol and regulated entertainment.
We the caterer shall hold the responsibility for the administration of a TEN (temporary event notice) which will be charged to the customer and will often be built into any quotation sent to the customer.
It is the responsibility of the customer to inform us of any existing premises license or restrictions.
We the caterer reserve the right to close our bar operation should any member of staff feel that at any point a breach of licensing regulations and/or objectives is likely to occur.
Loss, Damage and Breakage
All events are covered by £50 breakage of assets owned by we the caterer. Any items lost, damaged or broken during this time (e.g glassware) over this amount shall be charged at their new replacement value plus any associated delivery charges.
During events whereby items are hired in by third parties then any third party terms surrounding the replacement of lost, damaged or broken goods shall be passed onto the customer alongside an administration fee.
Should the customer wish to hire or return items back to we the caterer once we have left site then all costs and fees involved in returning them to us are borne by the customer including any damage during hire or during transit. A rental hire charge will also be applied.
Mobile Bar & Kitchen Terms
For bookings specific to our mobile bar and kitchen offering we require the following to be observed:
For indoor bookings our bike is designed to fit through a standard doorframe as well as standard sized UK lifts. We the caterer will supply the customer with dimensions in advance of the event. It is the responsibility of the customer to ensure upon arrival that our bike will be able to access the venue. No refund will be given should the bike not able to access the venue or location requested. Use of our ramps and moving equipment is for the transport of our bike in and out of a van or larger vehicle and may not be used for any other purpose
The bike must be positioned on a flat surface in order to operate fully. Steep gradients may result in the bike being used as a prop only and any damage caused to the bike will charged onwards to the customer.
We may require a standard 13amp power socket in order to operate the bike. The bike has an internal battery which is capable of operating the onboard electronics for up to six hours but as this is variable based on environmental factors we request nearby power be accessible in case of need. Any additional appliances required which can be plugged into the bikes sockets will only operate with an external power supply being provided.
For dry hire of the bike where no Hamilton Catering staff are present we require a £2000 deposit which will be refundable post hire, providing no damage, both aesthetically and functionally has occurred to the bike.
Force Majeure
We the caterer do not accept any liability for any failure to provide our services due to an 'Act of God', force majeure or circumstances beyond our control (including but not limited to severe weather, fire, severe traffic, traffic collisions, vehicle breakdown, theft, industrial action or equipment malfunctions).
By confirming a booking customer agrees to accept the terms and conditions of service as laid out on this page. An electronic copy of these terms can be requested by email.